Intravenous hydration with Vitamin Therapy Drips for Prevention, Wellness, and Health Promotion for a Integrative approach towards your body as a whole!
Terapia de Vitaminas con hidratación Intravenosa por Goteo para Prevención, la Salud, y Promoción de la Salud y para tu cuerpo como un todo!

Board Certified Nurse Practitioner & Functional Nutrition Counselor

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Discounts available yearly for services of $190 and up!
Birthday's 15%, Loyalty dripper 15% -after 3rd drip ($160 & over)
Monthly Membership packages available for wellness and prevention.
Inquire at your visit!
Please make an appointment that suits your life!
All major credit/debit cards accepted, CareCredit, Zelle, CashApp, checks, Cash.
Text/Call if you need more information!
My IV Drip Brochure